What is GIN , GRN and GDN ?
GIN , GRN and GDN are terms used quite often as warehouse terminology as a warehouse terminology mostly in ERP systems. let us understand what
Acceptable Quality level(AQL) sampling for garments quality inspections
Inspecting 100 % of the garments is time taking and practically impossible for manufacturers or buyers as the order quantities are higher in the garment
What is a cut order plan and how it is made ?
Guide to the art of making a fabric saving cut plan !
Ink Numbering garments panels in assembly sewing line – An efficiency and quality improvement tool
How to implement number sealing on garments in a factory ?
Industrial Engineering Calculations in garment production factory
Industrial engineering calculations in garment production factory is the most powerful waste quantifying and reduction tool. These calculations are important because without setting up a
Cutting process in garment industry
Cutting process in garment industry can be tricky and many people are perplexed on how this magical feat of matching every check/stripe is achieved by
What are Endbits remnants in cutting of apparels ?
Leftover fabric from a roll which can’t be spread in a lay because of lay length being more than the leftover fabric is called an
Root cause Analysis for garment defects
Root cause analysis is a problem solving technique to identify the root cause for a defect. It is a drill down approach where a selected