
What is GIN , GRN and GDN ?

GIN , GRN and GDN are terms used quite often as warehouse terminology as a warehouse terminology mostly in ERP systems. let us understand what does these terms mean in apparel industry context.

GIN – Goods inward note

Goods Inward Note (GIN) is a document which tells which goods has been inside the entry gate to a factory or a warehouse. It doesn’t mean that the item has been received by the warehouse/buyer it only tells that the vehicle carrying the goods has arrived at the receiving location.

Time between GIN and GRN helps warehouse department know how much time does a vehicle waits before the goods are unloaded.

GRN – Goods received note

Goods received note is a document which acts as proof of delivery of goods at the buyer location. Once the goods are received at the buyer location (After GIN) , the store department inspects the goods against the purchase order and generates the goods received note ( GRN) in the ERP system.

Uses of GRN:

  • Proof of receiving the goods
  • Keeping track of inventory at a location
  • Checking the goods received against ordered
  • Accounting and auditing

GDN – Goods dispatch note

Goods dispatched note is a document raised when goods are dispatched from one location to another. This movement can be external ( supplier to buyer) or internal ( one department in a factory to other – eg: warehouse to production floor). When a GDN is raised the goods are reflected in transit and will not show as inventory at dispatching location. These goods will be shown as inventory at the receiving location only when a GRN is raised at the receiving location.

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