
Difference Between Standard & Standardised work ?

Difference between Standard & Standardised work

The question “Difference Between Standard & Standardised work?” has been a confusion for quite a few people and I have seen people particularly pressing on the point that “Do not confuse Standard work with Standardised work”. I googled the difference and what I could understand from many blog posts was that Standard work means the work will not change whereas Standardized work means there is a scope of improvement.

I don’t understand why there is a need to go into such digging and conclude meanings which still mention the word “Imply”. Now if we use “imply” while defining standards, we are failing the whole purpose of standardisation.

I believe that, we have been complicating these words way too much.

“simple is better than complex & complex is better than complicated”.

Coming back to the point now, what is the difference between Standard work & Standardised really?

Well there is none, when you Standardise a work it becomes a Standard. This Standard can be altered when new improvement is found. The work will be standardised again setting a new Standard. That’s it, it is just plain simple English.

3 thoughts on “Difference Between Standard & Standardised work ?”

  1. An attention-grabbing dialogue is worth comment. I believe that you must write more on this matter, it won’t be a taboo topic however typically persons are not enough to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers

      1. Over the period after speaking to many pioneers in this field , what i understand is that standards are basic rules or operational guidelines, whereas when these are implemented with zero failure by means of practice or by poke yoke then only the process is called standardized .

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