
Job roles in apparel industry

Here is a list of job roles in apparel industry like Operator , Supervisor, Feeding helper, Spreader , Helper etc. and what they mean :


Workers employed on the apparel production floor are called operators. Operators are further classified by prefixing the department they work in like Sewing operator, cutting operator, finishing operator and further by the type of  job they are doing like Kansai operator or side seam operator.


A supervisor is the person who manages a production section or line. Supervisor is a experienced operator who is promoted to act as a supervisor. Generally supervisors don’t actually work on the sewing machines but if it is required they might work to help in production. Some of the responsibilities of supervisors are to balance the line, train the operators and everything needed operate the line on maximum efficiency.

Feeding helper

A feeding helper is a worker responsible to provide materials to a sewing line and assist in other supporting functions like recording production data, absentees etc. A feeding helper is not skilled to help with the production operations.

Spreader or spreading operator

Spreader or spreading operator in apparel industry is a person who spreads the fabric into lays in the cutting department. This task can be performed by fully automatic spreading machines as well in this case the person operating the machine is also called spreader or spreading operator


Helper is a low skilled worker employed in the production who doesn’t directly perform an operation but assist operators by performing small tasks like trimming , cutting , folding , disposing etc.. A helper doesn’t operate any machine or iron boxes.

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