What is a cut order plan and how it is made ?
Guide to the art of making a fabric saving cut plan !
Acceptable Quality level(AQL) sampling for garments quality inspections
Inspecting 100 % of the garments is time taking and practically impossible for manufacturers or buyers as the order quantities are higher in the garment
Does bigger ordering fabric width give better fabric consumption?
It looks like it is a known fact that “higher the width of fabric better will give better fabric consumption” but is it really the case?
Deciding factors for number of garments on a marker
Fabric consumption depends greatly on the number of garments on a marker because the more the number of garment patterns on a marker the better
Root cause Analysis for garment defects
Root cause analysis is a problem solving technique to identify the root cause for a defect. It is a drill down approach where a selected
Types of garment production systems
Garment production system is defined as a structure in which machines, material handling, people and production processes are integrated to convert fabric into garments. Types
Line balancing in garment industry and how it can be improved ?
line balancing in garment industry is the technique of levelling output of every operation in a garment sewing production line. The main objectives of balancing
Changeover time calculation in sewing line
Changeover time in sewing line is the time taken from producing the last good quality piece of the completing style to the time taken in